Motopower Video Productions, LLC

Twin Cam H-D Engine DVD General Description:

Harley-Davidson® has thrilled the bike riding community for decades.  Their unique design is captivating.  Charlie Lawlor, owner of Short Block Charlie’s, is taking performance to a higher level.  Watch Charlie hop up a beta engine to 120 horse power by installing a Jim’s 120 kit.  You’ll see the step-by-step build-up of both the Alpha and Beta engines!  The Alpha engine is found in all of the dresser and non soft tail framed motorcycles. Alpha engines are rubber mounted to the frame to assist with vibration reduction.  The Beta engine is in the soft tail series. These engines have counter-balancers to help reduce vibration.

Charlie will take the mystery out of building an engine.  With the right tools, you’ll be able to do this in your garage with confidence.  He’ll show you the tips and tricks he’s learned over the years.

You’ll get to see every step of the assembly process while Charlie describes the evolution of this great engine.  Charlie will also take you behind the scenes to his machine shop where he shows how the case is bored, the cylinder is honed, the valve seat is cut and the head deck is lowered.  Finally, Charlie shows how he uses a sophisticated flow bench to baseline the cylinder head air flow and measures the changes from the machining operations.


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This DVD contains the following:
DVD Sectioned into chapters so you can find information quickly
•    Lower end assembly - Beta
•    Lower end assembly – Alpha
•    Cam chest chain drive
•    Cam chest gear drive
•    Top end assembly
•    Valve adjustment
•    Machining operation
•    Flow bench

If you’re interested in working on your engine or just want to know more about how the engine is designed and assembled then this DVD is for you.  Unlike most maintenance videos that focus on the actor, this video is shot at close range so you can see all the details.  No steps are skipped and all details are addressed!
Harley-Davidson is a registered trademark of the Harley-Davidson, Inc.


Copyright 2020 Motopower Video Productions LLC